Title: Three Patients with Autism and Central Precocious Puberty
Abstract:We have experienced three patients of autism combined with precocious puberty. Their age at diagnosis of precocious puberty ranged from 6 yr and 9 mo to 9 yr and 6 mo. All patients showed pubertal gro...We have experienced three patients of autism combined with precocious puberty. Their age at diagnosis of precocious puberty ranged from 6 yr and 9 mo to 9 yr and 6 mo. All patients showed pubertal growth spurt and elevated levels of basal LH and FSH, and experienced menstruation. One patient was diagnosed as having central precocious puberty according to the diagnostic guidelines. The other two patients were on borderline sexual precocity. They have been treated with GnRH analog for the purpose of stopping menstruation, which was not tolerated for their mentality. Similar to known combination of CNS disorders and precocious puberty, patients with autism may be susceptible to the early onset of puberty.Read More