Title: Marital Conflicts and Expectations to Family Counselors' Cultural Competence Among Immigrated Women Focusing on Typology of Cultural Adaptation
Abstract:The aim of this study was to investigate on characteristics of sociological and demographic population, marital conflicts and expectations to family counselors' cultural competence surrounding factors...The aim of this study was to investigate on characteristics of sociological and demographic population, marital conflicts and expectations to family counselors' cultural competence surrounding factors of cultural adaptation among immigrated women. This study conducted a survey of 236 immigrated women in Kyonggi province, Seoul metropolitan cities, Cholla and Chunchung provinces and Incheon. The results of this study are as follows: First, a relatively few marital conflicts were found, as a whole, while they had the high levels of expectation to family counselors' cultural competence. Second, immigrated women can be clustered as three different types: 'multiplicity type', 'undifferentiated type' and 'adaptation type'. Third, sociological and demographic population characteristics which were subdivided and clustered according to cultural adaptation made the significant difference between each population. Population with multiplicity type out of the above-stated three types accounted for the highest conflict rates, while population with 'adaptation' type accounted for the lowest conflict rates. Lastly, expectations to family counselors' cultural competence made the significant difference among each population. Population with multiplicity type showed the highest expectation levels on expectations to family counselors' cultural competence, while population with undifferentiated type showed the lowest levels.Read More