Title: Psychometric Properties on Lecturers’ Beliefs on Teaching Function: Rasch Model Analysis
Abstract:This paper focuses on the psychometric analysis of lecturers' beliefs on teaching function (LBTF) survey using Rasch Model analysis. The sample comprised 34 Community Colleges' lecturers. The Rasch Mo...This paper focuses on the psychometric analysis of lecturers' beliefs on teaching function (LBTF) survey using Rasch Model analysis. The sample comprised 34 Community Colleges' lecturers. The Rasch Model is applied to produce specific measurements on the lecturers' beliefs on teaching function in order to generalize results and inferential studies. The items proved to measure a single dimension of lecturers' beliefs and how it influences the teaching function. The developed instrument termed LBTF covers six sub dimensions. Both construct and content validity were achieved through the Rasch Model analysis using the dimensionality, item fit, and item polarity parameters. The reliability of the instrument was achieved by conducting person and item separation analysis, Cronbach alpha, and calculated person and item reliability estimates. The results of Rasch Model analysis show that the items of LBTF fit the model appropriately.Read More