Title: Histological and cytochemical indices of toxic injury in the liver of dab Limanda limanda
Abstract:Lysosomes play a key role in normal cellular catabolism and during the accumulation and detoxification of different classes of anthropogenic substances.As a contribution to the Bremerhaven Workshop, c...Lysosomes play a key role in normal cellular catabolism and during the accumulation and detoxification of different classes of anthropogenic substances.As a contribution to the Bremerhaven Workshop, cytochernical measurements of the integrity of the lysosomal compartment, histopathology and electron microscopy were made on the liver of dab L m a n d a limanda during spawning time along a pollution gradient in the German Bight.The aim of the study was to test if lysosomal responses are able to reflect early tissue lesions and their progression during the span of the reproductive processes.Lysosomal perturbations in dab liver indicated early tissue lesions independently of the stage of gonadal development by the intralysosomal accumulation of unsaturated neutral lipids.Impairment of the lysosomal membrane stability sensitively reflected the progression towards liver degeneration.Significant differences with respect to lysosomal membrane stability, pathological lipid accumulation and liver histopathology were found along the North Sea transect.Read More