Title: Gill x-cell lesions of dab Limanda limanda in the North Sea
Abstract:Up to 5% of dab Lunanda limanda L, in catches of a research vessel on the Dogger Bank (North Sea) had gills showing the pathological changes of marked swelling and pale colouration.The condition in ca...Up to 5% of dab Lunanda limanda L, in catches of a research vessel on the Dogger Bank (North Sea) had gills showing the pathological changes of marked swelling and pale colouration.The condition in catches in other parts of the southern North Sea showed a lower prevalence.A light and electron microscope examination showed the lesions to be due to an intra-epidermal accumulation of xcells.The structure of these cells was atypical of normal dab cells so an infectious aetiology may be indicated.There was evidence of cell motility in peripheral parts of lesions.Variability in structure of x- cells was considered to be mainly associated with degenerative changes, particularly with cells in the centre of lesions.Envelope cells whlch characteristically encapsulated individual X-cells had features suggesting an epithelia1 origin.A cellular reaction involving macrophages containing X-cell remnants in phagocytic vacuoles was typical of areas of extensive X-cell degeneration.Read More