Title: Protection of Mice Against X-Irradiation by Spleen Homogenates Administered After Exposure.
Abstract:Summary and Conclusions1. The mortality of adult LAf1 mice, exposed to whole-body X-irradiation in doses of 650, 700 and 800 r, was either prevented or reduced mark-edly following a single intraperito...Summary and Conclusions1. The mortality of adult LAf1 mice, exposed to whole-body X-irradiation in doses of 650, 700 and 800 r, was either prevented or reduced mark-edly following a single intraperitoneal injection of spleen homogenate administered either one hour or as long as 45 hours after radiation exposure. The equivalent of 1 to 2 spleens was injected into each irradiated mouse. The protective factor was present in homogenates from spleens of young mice (1 to 3 weeks old), and to a smaller degree in homogenates of spleens from adult mice. 2. The post-irradiation protection afforded by spleen homogenate injection was reflected in minimized weight losses observed in the spleen-homogenate-treated mice as compared with the control animals. The data suggest a possible quantitative relationship between the amount of spleen substance injected and the degree of protection obtained.Read More