Title: Chilling Stress to Soybeans during Imhibition
Abstract:Embryos, excised from seed coats of soybeans (Glycine max Merr. cv. `Wayne'), leak profusely during the first minutes of imbibition. A discontinuity of temperature/leakage patterns occurs between 10 a...Embryos, excised from seed coats of soybeans (Glycine max Merr. cv. `Wayne'), leak profusely during the first minutes of imbibition. A discontinuity of temperature/leakage patterns occurs between 10 and 15 C; as embryos imbibe at 10 C or lower, disproportionately more solutes leak out per unit of water imbibed. Short periods of imbibition at or below 12 to 14 C reduce embryo germination and axis elongation; injury results from imbibition at 2 C for as little as 5 minutes. Humidifying embryos to 35 to 50% moisture before imbibition reduced leakage during imbibition and imparted some resistance to imbibitional chilling injury.Read More