Title: <i>An Introduction to Chaotic Dynamical Systems</i>
Abstract:Part One: One-Dimensional Dynamics Examples of Dynamical Systems Preliminaries from Calculus Elementary Definitions Hyperbolicity An example: the quadratic family An Example: the Quadratic Family Symb...Part One: One-Dimensional Dynamics Examples of Dynamical Systems Preliminaries from Calculus Elementary Definitions Hyperbolicity An example: the quadratic family An Example: the Quadratic Family Symbolic Dynamics Topological Conjugacy Chaos Structural Stability Sarlovskiis Theorem The Schwarzian Derivative Bifurcation Theory Another View of Period Three Maps of the Circle Morse-Smale Diffeomorphisms Homoclinic Points and Bifurcations The Period-Doubling Route to Chaos The Kneeding Theory Geneaology of Periodic Units Part Two: Higher Dimensional Dynamics Preliminaries from Linear Algebra and Advanced Calculus The Dynamics of Linear Maps: Two and Three Dimensions The Horseshoe Map Hyperbolic Toral Automorphisms Hyperbolicm Toral Automorphisms Attractors The Stable and Unstable Manifold Theorem Global Results and Hyperbolic Sets The Hopf Bifurcation The Hnon Map Part Three: Complex Analytic Dynamics Preliminaries from Complex Analysis Quadratic Maps Revisited Normal Families and Exceptional Points Periodic Points The Julia Set The Geometry of Julia Sets Neutral Periodic Points The Mandelbrot Set An Example: the Exponential FunctionRead More