Title: Cover Picture: Chemically Programmed Supramolecular Assembly of Hemoprotein and Streptavidin with Alternating Alignment (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 16/2012)
Abstract:An alternating protein assembly of myoglobin dimer (green) and streptavidin (gray) was made by using a synthesized cofactor dyad, which has a flexible linker between a heme moiety (red) and a bis(biot...An alternating protein assembly of myoglobin dimer (green) and streptavidin (gray) was made by using a synthesized cofactor dyad, which has a flexible linker between a heme moiety (red) and a bis(biotin) unit (blue). The specific interactions between the three components resulted in formation of a supramolecular submicrometer-sized fibrous assembly, which was characterized by AFM, as reported by T. Hayashi, T. R. Ward, and co-workers in their Communication on page 3818 ff.Read More