Title: Relationships of Oil Composition and Stratigraphy in Multipay Fields: ABSTRACT
Abstract:shale, sandstone, siltstone, and limestone of the Spraberry Formation.The basin sediments appear to be ideal petroleum source rocks and limited fracture development restricts the occurrence of basin o...shale, sandstone, siltstone, and limestone of the Spraberry Formation.The basin sediments appear to be ideal petroleum source rocks and limited fracture development restricts the occurrence of basin oil to rock of Permian age.Shelf or platform oil may be mixed Permian and pre-Permian due to structural deformation, faulting, fracturing, and deposition across truncated surfaces.Correlations of oil analyses with reservoir rock types suggest that differences in the chemical composition of basin and shelf oils may be related to the amount of evaporites in the reservoir rocks.Oil groupings can be explained geologically through differences in sources, environment, paths of migration, or mixing of oils.Read More