Title: Calcitonin stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver of fasted rats.
Abstract:The effect of calcitonin (CT) on glycogenolysis in the liver was investigated infasted rats. The fasting produced a marked decrease in the hepatic glycogen content. Thyroparathyroidectomy (TPTX) signi...The effect of calcitonin (CT) on glycogenolysis in the liver was investigated infasted rats. The fasting produced a marked decrease in the hepatic glycogen content. Thyroparathyroidectomy (TPTX) significantly prevented the decline in hepatic glycogen by fasting as compared with sham operation. This prevention by TPTX wasclearly relieved by the subcutaneous administration of CT (80MRCmU/100g bodyweight). The appreciable effect of the hormone was also observed at the dose of 20 and 40MRCmUCT/100g body weight. The present results suggest that CT plays aphysiological role in the stimulation of hepatic glycogenolysis after fasting in rats.Read More