Title: The Relationship among Organizational Trust, Multidimensional Organizational Commitment and Perceived Organizational Support in Educational Organizations
Abstract:The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship among organizational trust, perceived organizational support and commitment of teachers working in public primary schools.The research sam...The purpose of this research is to determine the relationship among organizational trust, perceived organizational support and commitment of teachers working in public primary schools.The research sample was 315 teachers from 18 public primary schools in Golcuk, Kocaeli. The scales used in the research were the Perceived Organizational Support Scale by Eisenberger et.al., The Multidimensional Organizational Commitment Scale by Celep (2000) and The Organizational Trust Scale by Polat (2007). Data were analyzed through SPSS 13.0 for Windows and an initial factor analysis was followed by Anova and regression analyses.The research results revealed significant relationships between the variables. There was a significant positive correlation between teachers' perceived organizational support and their organizational commitment. The results differed according to gender in that female teachers were found to be more committed to the organization than male participants. İn terms of perceived organizational support, the more the teachers had perceived organizational support, the more they became committed to their organizations. Perceived organizational support and the level of organizational commitment were higher in females than in males. No other significant differences were found with regard to other demographic features.Read More