Title: Clinical Laboratory Medicine, 2nd Edition. Kenneth D. McClatchey. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2002, 1936 pp., $120.00, hardcover. ISBN 0-683-30751-7.Clinical Laboratory Medicine: Self-Assessment and Review, 2nd Edition. Kenneth D. McClatchey, Hesham M. Amin, and Jonathan L. Curry. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams Wilkins, 2002, 336 pp., $39.95, softcover. ISBN 0-7817-3150-X.
Abstract:The eagerly awaited second edition of this important textbook of laboratory medicine meets and exceeds expectations. It is of approximately the same weight and page length (the type face is smaller an...The eagerly awaited second edition of this important textbook of laboratory medicine meets and exceeds expectations. It is of approximately the same weight and page length (the type face is smaller and lighter but still easy to read) as the first edition of 1994 and has the same format of 11 major sections prepared under the supervision of well-recognized authorities, with individual chapters contributed by authors of considerable experience.
As stated in the editor’s preface, the book is intended for a wide variety of readers, including medical laboratory technicians and technologists, medical students, residents in pathology and internal medicine, clinical laboratory scientists, pathologists, and other physicians. It is comprehensive and well written and clearly meets its objective of providing a single volume reference and learning source for the intended audience.
The opening general laboratory section has outstanding …Read More