Title: The eclipsing binary PV Cas: a case of strong differential rotation in depth
Abstract:In this study, we show that only models with differential rotation, as opposed to non-rotation or solid-body rotation for the components of PV Cas, are in satisfactory agreement with the observations ...In this study, we show that only models with differential rotation, as opposed to non-rotation or solid-body rotation for the components of PV Cas, are in satisfactory agreement with the observations (including constraints on the apsidal advance rate and the synchronous rotation of the components in addition to their luminosities and radii). Internal rotation profiles found for solar and metal-rich chemical compositions are similar to each other in that only a small part of the outermost regions is rotating very slowly (υeq ∼ 65 km s −1) and the rest is rotating very rapidly. Confirmation of Ap-like variations in the light curve of the system leads us to search for a connection between this type (and similar types) of internal rotation and chemically peculiar stars. The temperature difference between the blue sides of the main sequence for the normal and for the magnetic Ap stars may arise from such a connection, since we find a similar difference between the models with this kind of rotation and the non-rotating models of somewhat lower mass.Read More