Title: Research on the Link Travel Time Model for High Occupancy Vehicle Lanes of Freeways
Abstract:Due to the distinctive characteristics of high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), the existing link travel time models are not suitable for HOV lanes on freeway. The objective of this research is to provide a...Due to the distinctive characteristics of high occupancy vehicles (HOVs), the existing link travel time models are not suitable for HOV lanes on freeway. The objective of this research is to provide a link travel time model for HOV lanes. Road and traffic data were collected from California Department of Transportation and dealt with using Highway Capacity Manual. By Bureau of Public Roads function, the link travel time model for freeway HOV lanes was established, considering both flow- to-capacity ratios on HOV lane and the adjacent mainline lane. Statistical methods including Pearson, Kendall and Spearman correlations, stepwise method were used for coefficient calibration. Through significance test and error test, the model effectiveness was demonstrated. The model proposed in this research can be applied to speed prediction, traffic assignment and some relevant fields.Read More