Title: Governmental Efforts and Strategies to Reinforce Security in Cyberspace
Abstract:The Internet is changing the world by bringing new ways to communicate to people and supporting open society and economic growth. The decrease in connection costs means accessing the Internet will bec...The Internet is changing the world by bringing new ways to communicate to people and supporting open society and economic growth. The decrease in connection costs means accessing the Internet will become cheaper and easier, allowing more people around the world to use it. Increasing our dependency on the digital world brings new opportunities but also new threats. The more we open information and support digital mediums, the less guarded we become against the people and groups aiming to attack our digital intimacy. This openness also has certain effects on the soundness of the digital information of governments. Governments also have started to make effective use of digital technology over the last three decades. Hackers, leakers, international intelligence units and illegal groups target strategic digital networks, Internet sites and the infrastructures of governmental organizations as well as individual and private companies. Governments have started to develop strategies against these cyber-attacks, including legislative measures to protect themselves. Events in cyberspace happen at high speed and answering to these attacks and developing protections immediately are crucial points of cyber security. As the nature of the technology requires high speed development, governments need to adopt dynamic strategies against these attacks. Moreover, the cross-border nature of threats makes it essential to improve international cooperation.Read More