Title: Cusp Kernels for Velocity-Changing Collisions
Abstract:We introduce an analytical kernel, the "cusp" kernel, to model the effects of velocity-changing collisions on optically pumped atoms in low-pressure buffer gases. Like the widely used Keilson-Storer k...We introduce an analytical kernel, the "cusp" kernel, to model the effects of velocity-changing collisions on optically pumped atoms in low-pressure buffer gases. Like the widely used Keilson-Storer kernel [J. Keilson and J. E. Storer, Q. Appl. Math. 10, 243 (1952)], cusp kernels are characterized by a single parameter and preserve a Maxwellian velocity distribution. Cusp kernels and their superpositions are more useful than Keilson-Storer kernels, because they are more similar to real kernels inferred from measurements or theory and are easier to invert to find steady-state velocity distributions.Read More