Title: Detection of H3(+) infrared emission lines in Saturn
Abstract:view Abstract Citations (96) References (11) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Detection of H 3 + Infrared Emission Lines in Saturn Geballe, T. R. ; Jago...view Abstract Citations (96) References (11) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Detection of H 3 + Infrared Emission Lines in Saturn Geballe, T. R. ; Jagod, M. -F. ; Oka, T. Abstract Three emission lines of the nu-2 fundamental vibration-rotation band of H3(+) have been detected in the ionosphere of Saturn near and at its poles. The peak observed column density of H3(+) (at the south limb) is more than two orders of magnitude lower than the column density at the south pole of Jupiter, and is less than that detected from Uranus. While the number and the S/N ratios of observed transitions are not sufficient to determine the temperature and abundance of H3(+) accurately, the observed emission intensities are consistent with a temperature of about 800 K and total column density of about 1.0 x 10 exp 11/sq cm. Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: May 1993 DOI: 10.1086/186843 Bibcode: 1993ApJ...408L.109G Keywords: Emission Spectra; Hydrogen; Infrared Spectra; Molecular Ions; Planetary Ionospheres; Saturn Atmosphere; Triatomic Molecules; Abundance; Morphology; Spectral Line Width; SATURN; EMISSIONS; HYDROGEN 3+; INFRARED; WAVELENGTHS; IONOSPHERE; POLAR REGION; COLUMN DENSITY; COMPARISON; INTENSITY; TEMPERATURE; MOLECULAR PROCESSES; EARTH-BASED OBSERVATIONS; SPECTRA; SPECTROSCOPY; MORPHOLOGY; ABUNDANCE; JUPITER; URANUS; ORIGIN; FORMATION; IONIZATION; Lunar and Planetary Exploration; Saturn; PLANETS AND SATELLITES: INDIVIDUAL SATURN; INFRARED: SOLAR SYSTEM; MOLECULAR PROCESSES full text sources ADS |Read More