Title: Breeding oilseed rape for pod shattering resistance
Abstract:The genetic control of pod dehiscence was studied through the production, field trial and subsequent analysis of a full diallel involving seven parents selected for high and low resistance to pod shat...The genetic control of pod dehiscence was studied through the production, field trial and subsequent analysis of a full diallel involving seven parents selected for high and low resistance to pod shattering. Additive gene effects were most significant among the measures of pod shattering resistance with only minor contributions from non-additive gene effects. Genetic variation in measures of the stiffness of the pod wall were, however, determined by dominant gene effects. Genes for increased pod shattering resistance acted recessively. All characters showed high levels of heritability. Correlations among pod shatter resistance characters and other pod, raceme and plant characters were low suggesting that resistance is likely to be independent of other important agronomic traits.Read More