Title: A Study on the Problem Analysis and Improvement Plan of the Data Quality Management System of National R&D Data
Abstract:National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS) is constructed and operated to provide a comprehensive data provider service of national R&D data for improving the performance of the nation...National Science and Technology Information Service (NTIS) is constructed and operated to provide a comprehensive data provider service of national R&D data for improving the performance of the national R&D projects and disseminating the co-utilization of the national R&D data nationwide in Korea. The national R&D data is collected from 17 government departments and agencies. With the spread of the Government 3.0 paradigm, the demand for data sharing and utilization is being increased. However, the immature of the data quality management process for the public data hinders the progress on the data openness. This research presents the problems of the data quality management via a study on the current data quality management process/system of the national R&D data and proposes an improvement plan for the data quality management. In addition, DQC-M (Database Quality Certification-Management), which is a representative evaluation and certification model for assessing the quality and maturity of data quality management, is used to find insufficiency through the evaluation of the quality and matureness of the data quality management of NTIS service. Keywords: Data Openness, Data Quality Management, DQC-M, National R&D Data.Read More