Title: La ruptura funeraria del pomerium desde su nacimiento y hasta su desaparición. Enterramientos in urbe
Abstract:The aim of this contribution is to show the evolution, from a funerary perspective, of one of the most characteristic limits of the roman cities, that is to say, the pomerium. Thanks to a wide variety...The aim of this contribution is to show the evolution, from a funerary perspective, of one of the most characteristic limits of the roman cities, that is to say, the pomerium. Thanks to a wide variety of archeological testimonies and documented writings, mainly from the Italia Annonaria and, specially, Hispania, it has been possible to restore the rise, development, and decadence of that limit. That process, which extended through some centuries, involved not only the loss of its initial meaning, but mainly, the emergence of graves inside the pomerium (in urbe). At first, those burials were exceptional and for minorities, but due to different reasons, they became common in the Late Antiquity.Read More