Title: The South American freshwater fish Prochilodus lineatus (Actinopterygii: Characiformes: Prochilodontidae): new species in Vietnamese aquaculture
Abstract:The freshwater characiform fish Prochilodus lineatus is a detritivorous species that has its native distribution area in South America but has been imported to China for aquaculture purposes. This is ...The freshwater characiform fish Prochilodus lineatus is a detritivorous species that has its native distribution area in South America but has been imported to China for aquaculture purposes. This is the first time that it is being reported in Vietnam, both from aquaculture and captured from a river channel. According to local authorities, the species is becoming increasingly important in local aquaculture and its spread can be expected. Keeping in mind the high biomass production in the rivers of its native distribution area, a successful establishment of P. lineatus into Vietnamese fresh waters may exert serious impacts on the local ecosystems.Read More