Title: O Brasil dos espertos: uma análise da construção social de Ariano Suassuna como 'criador e criatura'
Abstract:This dissertation aims towards understanding the constructions of playwright Ariano Suassuna's theatrical production of a memory that in its limit is his though it is also shared by a particular socia...This dissertation aims towards understanding the constructions of playwright Ariano Suassuna's theatrical production of a memory that in its limit is his though it is also shared by a particular social code: family issues -and revenge -plotted in the Northeast of Brazil.To approach this object, plays of Ariano Suassuna written between 1947 and 1960 were chosen in order to explore the way he selects and chains facts, memories and values creating, thereby, the history of his family.This very construction can also be observed in his articles published in a State of Pernambucos' periodic, the Jornal da Semana between the years of 1972 and 1974.Both his plays and articles display how Ariano Suassuna anchors himself in the depths of his family and, at the same time, reinforces values and traditions that go beyond their own private and intimate nucleus.The murder of his father as well as the reprisals suffered by his family in the 1930's scarred the playwright in such a way that fiction and non-fiction, object and creature lose themselves in a non-obvious, complicated way.The private logic of family matters can be acknowledged in the artistic options taken by the writer even after the apparent resolution of the 'intrigue' involving the Suassunas, Dantas and Pessoas for the control of the State of Paraíba in the 1930's.The result is the selection of a certain Northeast, of a certain popular culture, of a universe populated by clever characters and a particular sense of 'purity' and identity.Read More