Title: “Vidra 9”, a New Variety of Bell Pepper, Obtained at RDIVFG Vidra
Abstract:Researches were made during the period 2004-2010 at ICDLF Vidra as part of the research topic and aimed at obtaining new pepper cultivars (hybrid types), with superior productions as compared to the g...Researches were made during the period 2004-2010 at ICDLF Vidra as part of the research topic and aimed at obtaining new pepper cultivars (hybrid types), with superior productions as compared to the genotypes existing in the national assortment, resistant to the biotic and abiotic factors. The lines of pepper were studied in the comparative plots for their behaviour (2008-2010). The variants were set up in randomized blocks placed in four replication and during the growing season several observations and determination were performed according to U.P.O.V. file. As control the green pepper variety Export was used. The results' analysis showed that all lines of green pepper studied in the comparative plots for their behaviour, using as control variety the cultivar Export, achieved superior productions as compared to control variety (29.2 t/ha.Among the green pepper lines, line L 12 especially remarked itself by the conic fruit, being slightly mucronate and coloured as white-yellow at technological maturity and intense red at physiological maturity. L12 was remarked from all lines, being tested in ISTIS network and registered under the name “Vidra 9”.Read More
Publication Year: 2013
Publication Date: 2013-11-21
Language: en
Type: article
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