Title: Integrating Personal Web Data through Semantically Enhanced Web Portal
Abstract:Currently, the World Wide Web is mostly composed of isolated and loosely connected islands. Connecting them together and retrieving only the information that is of interest to the user is the common W...Currently, the World Wide Web is mostly composed of isolated and loosely connected islands. Connecting them together and retrieving only the information that is of interest to the user is the common Web usage process. Creating infrastructure that would support automation of that process by aggregating and integrating Web data in accordance to user's personal preferences would greatly improve today's Web usage. A significant part of Web data is available only through the login and password protected applications. As that data is very important for the usefulness of described process, proposed infrastructure needs to support authorized access to user's personal data. In this paper we propose a semantically enhanced Web portal that presents unique personalized user's entry to the domain-specific Web information. We also propose an identity management system that supports authorized access to the protected Web data. To verify the proposed solution, we have built Sweb - a semantically enhanced Web portal that uses proposed identity management system.Read More