Title: The intersections of curriculum development: Music, ICT and Australian music education
Abstract:<span>Recently, in Australia both the </span><em>National Review of School Music Education</em><span> and </span><em>The Australian Curriculum</em><s...<span>Recently, in Australia both the </span><em>National Review of School Music Education</em><span> and </span><em>The Australian Curriculum</em><span> identify the importance of technology in school music education. However, the understanding of music technology, as demonstrated by state and territory curricular guidelines, is limited with technology mostly recognised as a tool. In comparison, contemporary Australian information and computer technology (ICT) curricula appear to have a very different understanding of how technology can enhance learning in the arts, specifically music. Through a comparison of the Australian States and Territories Years 7-10 curricular guidelines this article compares understandings in the two domains - ICT and the arts (particularly music). The different perspectives on the use of technology in music education can be seen as either using technology as a tool to support instruction in drill-like programs or as a platform for collaborative and creative learning that resonates with students in Australian music classrooms.</span>Read More