Title: Reef resilience status of northern Acehnese reef based on coral cover and coral indicator
Abstract:By definition, ecological resilience is the ability of a system to undergo, absorb and respond to change and disturbance, while maintaining its functions and controls. The environmental conditions tha...By definition, ecological resilience is the ability of a system to undergo, absorb and respond to change and disturbance, while maintaining its functions and controls. The environmental conditions that favor such community resilience may be different from those that favor resistance. Benthic cover and the structure of coral population will provide vital information for reef resilience. This research has been done at 20 sites in northern Acehnese reef. Data of coral cover was collected by line intercept transects methods; while data of the structure of coral population was collected by belt transect methods. The result showed that percentage of hard corals were range from 20.46-67.40%. Generally, hard coral covers in areas that were protected under the management authority were higher than in open access areas. The larger resistant coral such as Porites (massive) and Pavona were abundant in eastern part of Weh Island, while the larger susceptible coral such as Acropora and Pocillopora were abundant in western and northern parts of Weh Island. Western and northern parts of Weh Island were the most vulnerable areas for coral mass bleaching if sea surface temperature turns to be higher than normal, while coral reef in the eastern part was more resilient.Read More