Title: Fuzzy Reasoning Method Based on Distance Measure and Its Reductive Property
Abstract:This paper shows a basic and original fuzzy reasoning method that can draw a novel study direction of the approximate inference in fuzzy systems with uncertainty. Firstly we propose a criterion functi...This paper shows a basic and original fuzzy reasoning method that can draw a novel study direction of the approximate inference in fuzzy systems with uncertainty. Firstly we propose a criterion function for checking of the reductive property about fuzzy modus ponens (FMP) and fuzzy modus tollens (FMT). Secondly unlike fuzzy reasoning methods based on the similarity measure, we propose a principle of new fuzzy reasoning method based on distance measure and then present two theorems for FMP and FMT. Thirdly through the several computational experiments, we show that proposed method is simple and effective, and in accordance with human thinking. Finally we pointed out conclusion that proposed method does satisfy the convergence of the fuzzy control and has not information loss.Read More