Title: Sobre judíos y judeoconversos en la Baja Edad media. Textos de controversias
Abstract:The artiche after to allude to the texts of controversy of the early days of Christianity and some apologetas of the Visigoth period, goes to say about of the more modern polemicist era: Pedro Alfonso...The artiche after to allude to the texts of controversy of the early days of Christianity and some apologetas of the Visigoth period, goes to say about of the more modern polemicist era: Pedro Alfonso, Ramon Llull, Ramon Marti, Ramon de Penyafort, which worked to understand the texts Arabs and Jews to best them refute. These dialectical confrontantions resulted in spectacular theological debates as the famous Dispute of Tortosa, convened by Pope Benedict XIII. We make also a study about some writings against Jews, the significance of the preaching of Fr. Vicente Ferrer, the treaty Fortalitium fidei of Alonso de Espina, and others calling for the unity of Old Christians and Christian converts, as Scrutinium Scripturarum of Pablo de Santa Maria and the Defensorium Unitatis Christianae of his son Alonso de Cartagena.Read More