Title: Mythifying the Albanians : A Historiographical Discussion on Vasa Efendi’s “Albania and the Albanians”
Abstract:I would like to thank Nathalie Clayer and Meltem Toksoz who read the earlier manuscripts and offered me valuable corrections and suggestions. “... But what chiefly distinguishes Albania from other pro...I would like to thank Nathalie Clayer and Meltem Toksoz who read the earlier manuscripts and offered me valuable corrections and suggestions. “... But what chiefly distinguishes Albania from other provinces lies in the peculiar characteristics of the race. By nature quick, energetic, intolerant of control, sceptical, and fickle, the Skipetar, unlike the Slav, has ever made freedom all in all, and religion a question of secondary importance. 'Religion goes with the sword' is an Albanian prover...Read More