Title: Propionate Exchange Reactions in Methanogenic Ecosystems
Abstract:Propionate degradation was measured with [1- 14 C]- and [2- 14 C]propionate in an anaerobic digestor. When [1- 14 C]propionate was used, label disappeared more rapidly from the propionate pool than wh...Propionate degradation was measured with [1- 14 C]- and [2- 14 C]propionate in an anaerobic digestor. When [1- 14 C]propionate was used, label disappeared more rapidly from the propionate pool than when [2- 14 C]propionate was used. This indicated that an exchange reaction involving the carboxyl group of propionate occurred. Labeled propionate added to digestor samples which were equilibrated with H 2 lost label from the carboxyl group but not from the methylene group.Read More