Title: Tectonic Problems in the Western Part of Padurea Craiului Massif (Apuseni Mountains) (in Romanian)
Abstract:Tectonic Problems in the Western Part of Pădurea Craiului Massif (Apuseni Mts.). Pădurea Craiului Massif belongs to Bihor Unit. The Codru Nappe System overthrusts its South-Western margin. The structu...Tectonic Problems in the Western Part of Pădurea Craiului Massif (Apuseni Mts.). Pădurea Craiului Massif belongs to Bihor Unit. The Codru Nappe System overthrusts its South-Western margin. The structures generated in the nappes front, such as folds, faults, fisures, cleavages, suggest a movement direction from South-West toward North-East. This direction differs with 90° relative to transport direction of Biharia Nappe System. The mentioned structures represent a prove for origin of Codru Nappe System from the Meliatic margin of Preapulian Craton.Read More