Title: Utilizing The Internet To Facilitate Classroom Learning
Abstract:Traditional theories on classroom learning focus on fixed curriculum, static learning tools and believe learning is achieved through repetition and rote memorization. The instructor’s role in a tradit...Traditional theories on classroom learning focus on fixed curriculum, static learning tools and believe learning is achieved through repetition and rote memorization. The instructor’s role in a traditional learning environment focuses on providing direction to the student versus facilitating learning. As the technology age becomes more prevalent in educational institutions, it is time to approach teaching and learning from a technological point of view. Due to the extensive and diverse technologies available to higher education institutions, many are considering and implementing initiatives to take advantage of the coverage and the return on investment features of these technologies. This adaptation often involves the use of multimedia and the transfer of course content over the Internet. A detailed look at applications on the Internet can identify multimedia items, such as animation, slideshows, announcements, blogging and even instant messaging, which can be implemented successfully in the college classroom. Multimedia, which uses the Internet as its transfer mechanism, should be a consideration when designing an effective and dynamic college classroom experience.Read More