Title: General relativity as a complete theory and its new consequences
Abstract:The strong proper time dilation and radial contraction in the gravitational field of compact sources leads to a frozen state of matter. It is shown that the falling particles and photons can not cross...The strong proper time dilation and radial contraction in the gravitational field of compact sources leads to a frozen state of matter. It is shown that the falling particles and photons can not cross the gravitational radius due to the freezing, the horizon and singularity can not be formed at any finite coordinate time moment t=const. As the result, general relativity really predicts the heavy baryonic and quark stars and quasars instead of the black holes. A model of the oscillating Universe without a cosmological singularity, having a new type of the cosmological redshift, is considered. The regularizations of loop divergencies in quantum field theory also can be explained as the gravitational effects.Read More