Title: Quantum and Floer cohomology have the same ring structure
Abstract:The action of the total cohomology $H^*(M)$ of the almost Kahler manifold $M$ on its Floer cohomology, int roduced originally by Floer, gives a new ring structure on $H^*(M)$. We prove that the total ...The action of the total cohomology $H^*(M)$ of the almost Kahler manifold $M$ on its Floer cohomology, int roduced originally by Floer, gives a new ring structure on $H^*(M)$. We prove that the total cohomology space $H^* (M)$, provided with this new ring structure, is isomorphic to the quantum cohomology ring. As a special case, we prove the the formula for the Floer cohomology ring of the complex grassmanians conjectured by Vafa and Witten.Read More