Title: The Lightest Neutralino in Supersymmetric Standard Model with Arbitrary Higgs Sectors
Abstract:We consider the neutralino mass matrix in a supersymmetric theory based on SU(2) $\times$ U(1) gauge group with arbitrary number of singlet, doublet and triplet Higgs superfields. We derive an upper b...We consider the neutralino mass matrix in a supersymmetric theory based on SU(2) $\times$ U(1) gauge group with arbitrary number of singlet, doublet and triplet Higgs superfields. We derive an upper bound on the mass of the lightest neutralino, and a lower bound on the mass of the heaviest neutralino, in such a theory. Assuming grand unification of the gauge couplings, the upper bound on the mass of the lightest neutralino can be expressed in terms of the gluino mass. For a gluino mass of 200 GeV, the tree level upper bound on the mass of the lightest neutralino is 92 GeV, which increases to 166.5 GeV for a 1 TeV gluino. We also discuss the effect of dominant one-loop radiative corrections on these bounds.Read More