Title: Arctic Research. The current status of research and some immediate problems in the North American arctic and sub-arctic. Edited by Diana Rowley. Arctic Institute of North America, 1955. (Special Publication No. 2 of the Arctic Institute of North America. Reprinted from Arctic, Vol. 7, Nos. 3–4, 1954, p. 113–375.) 261 pages, illus., maps. 26 cm. Price $3.50.
Abstract:Arctic Research. The current status of research and some immediate problems in the North American arctic and sub-arctic. Edited by Diana Rowley. Arctic Institute of North America, 1955. (Special Publi...Arctic Research. The current status of research and some immediate problems in the North American arctic and sub-arctic. Edited by Diana Rowley. Arctic Institute of North America, 1955. (Special Publication No. 2 of the Arctic Institute of North America. Reprinted from Arctic, Vol. 7, Nos. 3–4, 1954, p. 113–375.) 261 pages, illus., maps. 26 cm. Price $3.50. - Volume 3 Issue 21Read More