Title: Türk Konseyi (Keneşi) Türk Üniversiteler Birliği ve Türk Üniversiteler Birliği I. Genel Kurulu
Abstract:Cooperation Council of Turkish Speaking Countries was founded by Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Kirghizstan and Turkey on October 3 2009 with Nakhchivan Treaty.Turkish Council, founded as an international org...Cooperation Council of Turkish Speaking Countries was founded by Azerbaijan, Kazakstan, Kirghizstan and Turkey on October 3 2009 with Nakhchivan Treaty.Turkish Council, founded as an international organization with the aim of encouraging cooperation inclusively among the countries speaking Turkish Language, besides the aims and principles of Treaty of United Nations, is a foundation that adopt the universal rules of international law.In Presidental Summits held from 1992 and 2014 some decisions related to education have taken apart from subjects like economy, foreign policy and security, social and human relations, culture.One of the decisions taken about education is to found The Union of Turkish Universities.Read More