Title: The black-body radiation in Tsallis statistics
Abstract:Some results for the black-body radiation obtained in the context of the $q$-thermostatistics are analyzed on both thermodynamical and statistical-mechanical levels. Since the thermodynamic potentials...Some results for the black-body radiation obtained in the context of the $q$-thermostatistics are analyzed on both thermodynamical and statistical-mechanical levels. Since the thermodynamic potentials can be expressed in terms of the Wright's special function an useful asymptotic expansion can be obtained. This allows the consideration of the problem away from the Boltzmann-Gibbs limit $q=1$. The role of non-extensivity, $q<1$, on the possible deviation from the Stefan-Boltzmann $T^{4}$ behavior is considered. The application of some approximation schemes widely used in the literature to analyze the cosmic radiation is discussed.Read More