Title: Manin triples and $N=2$ superconformal field theory
Abstract:This work was inspired by the article of Parkhomenko, who drew attention to the central role played in the work of Spindel, Sevrin, Troust and van Proyen, by Manin triples. These authors have shown ho...This work was inspired by the article of Parkhomenko, who drew attention to the central role played in the work of Spindel, Sevrin, Troust and van Proyen, by Manin triples. These authors have shown how to associate to a Manin triple an $N=2$ superconformal field theory (the work of Kazama-Suzuki is a special case of their results). In this paper, we construct a deformation of their theory, with continuously varying central charge, analogous to the Fock representations of the Virasoro algebra with stress-energy tensor $-(ϕ')^2/2+αϕ''$.Read More