Title: Dalitz Plot Analyses of B^- \to D^+ π^-π^-, B^+ \to π^+ π^- π^+ and D^+_s \to π^+ π^- π^+ at BABAR
Abstract:We report on the Dalitz plot analyses of B^- \to D^+ π^-π^-, B^+ \to π^+ π^- π^+ and D^+_s \to π^+ π^- π^+. The Dalitz plot method and the most recent BABAR results are discussed....We report on the Dalitz plot analyses of B^- \to D^+ π^-π^-, B^+ \to π^+ π^- π^+ and D^+_s \to π^+ π^- π^+. The Dalitz plot method and the most recent BABAR results are discussed.Read More