Abstract:The purpose o f this paper is to show some non-immersion theorems fo r lens spaces.For the proof we shall use the theorem o f T .Kambe which determines the structure of K s -rings of the lens space [ ...The purpose o f this paper is to show some non-immersion theorems fo r lens spaces.For the proof we shall use the theorem o f T .Kambe which determines the structure of K s -rings of the lens space [ 6 ] and the theorem o f T .Kambe, H. Matsunaga and H. Toda on stunted lens spaces [7 ].Throughout this note p is always an odd p rim e. L et S 2 "' 1 be the unit (2 n + 1 )-sp h ere.A point of S '" is represented by a sequence (zo , •••, z") o f complex numbers zi ( i =0 , •-•, n ) with E r = 1 .L e t 7 be the rotation of S '+ ' defined byw h e re x, = e u P , and let r be the topological transformation group o f S 2 0 ÷' o f order p generated by 7 .Then Lx(p) s --i i ris the lens space mod p .I t is an (271+1)-dimensional compact,L e t Lt(P) = {{zo, ••-, zk } Lk(p)izk is real and z k ?,_01.Then Lk(p)-Lt(P)=e2k+1((2k+1)-cell) and L (p)-L k -'(p )-ek (2k-cell), k n .T h u s L .( p ) has a cell structure given by L n(p) s lU e 2 Ue 3 U -U e 0 Uen+ 1 .(cf. [ 6 ] and [7 ]).Read More