Title: On $H_3(1)$ Hankel determinant for some classes of univalent functions
Abstract:Focus in this paper is on the Hankel determinant, $H_3(1)$, for the well-known classes of bounded-turning, starlike and convex functions in the open unit disk $E=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\colon|z|<1\}$. Th...Focus in this paper is on the Hankel determinant, $H_3(1)$, for the well-known classes of bounded-turning, starlike and convex functions in the open unit disk $E=\{z\in \mathbb{C}\colon|z|<1\}$. The results obtained complete the series of research works in the search for sharp upper bounds on $H_3(1)$ for each of these classes.Read More