Title: Localized Kaluza-Klein Graviton and Cosmological Constant
Abstract:We study linearized graviton in the presence of a four-dimensional cosmological constant in two brane models with a warped extra dimension. In explicit models including bulk scalar fields, we calculat...We study linearized graviton in the presence of a four-dimensional cosmological constant in two brane models with a warped extra dimension. In explicit models including bulk scalar fields, we calculate the masses of Kaluza-Klein modes of graviton and their interactions with matter on the visible brane. It is shown that the effects of the cosmological constant contribute by the equivalent size to the warp factor, masses and couplings and that bulk scalar fields can increase the effects. This is examined further independently of the forms of scalar potentials. Then it is found how the masses and couplings are described in terms of the warp factors and generic scalar potentials. A possibility that the masses and couplings are significantly changed by cosmological constant effects is discussed.Read More