Title: The Zalcman conjecture and related problems
Abstract:At the end of 1960's, Lawrence Zalcman posed a conjecture that the coefficients of univalent functions $f(z) = z + \sum\limits_2^\infty a_n z^n$ on the unit disk satisfy the sharp inequality $|a_n^2 -...At the end of 1960's, Lawrence Zalcman posed a conjecture that the coefficients of univalent functions $f(z) = z + \sum\limits_2^\infty a_n z^n$ on the unit disk satisfy the sharp inequality $|a_n^2 - a_{2n-1}| \le (n-1)^2$, with equality only for the Koebe function. This remarkable conjecture implies the Bieberbach conjecture, investigated by many mathematicians, and still remains a very difficult open problem for all n > 3; it was proved only in certain special cases. We provide a proof of Zalcman's conjecture based on results concerning the plurisubharmonic functionals and metrics on the universal Teichmüller space. As a corollary, this implies a new proof of the Bieberbach conjecture. Our method gives also other new sharp estimates for large coefficients.Read More