Title: "Culture - Major Determinant Of The European Consumer Behavior "
Abstract:Consumers put in the new circumstances of the European Union area is in the process of adapting behavior in market relations, the conditions in which enjoys growing prosperity, the increased degree of...Consumers put in the new circumstances of the European Union area is in the process of adapting behavior in market relations, the conditions in which enjoys growing prosperity, the increased degree of civilization.How businesses will respond to their offer of goods to the requirements of the consumers in the European Single Market space is a management process of identifying and meeting the needs of consumers outside the national space enterprise, taking into account the environmental factors specific to each market external.Purchase decision process is identical for all countries, different final decision to purchase, because the influences caused by socio-economic or cultural.Cultural environment is the composition showing the highest rigidity factor change action, therefore, usually followed by guided conduct business in foreign markets is the attempt to adapt and respect the cultural values of each country.Our work aims to highlight the influence of cultural factors, the expression of a specific market requirement, which makes both kinds of products, offered to consumers and purchasing behavior and consumption of a consumer in the EU.Read More