Title: The Efect and Threats Information Technology Used In Electronic Business
Abstract:Information security in Indonesian language is usually define information security, is object most important from electronic system, such us e-commerce and e-business. The Human always not satisfactio...Information security in Indonesian language is usually define information security, is object most important from electronic system, such us e-commerce and e-business. The Human always not satisfaction with object have do it. All needed and motivation possible in accept quickly and safety. Example internet era, all information transmit with free via network with level information security in correct. The information technologies are growing fast. One of them is Internet. There are various applications to share information offered in Internet. In build to security computer network, so we must learn to mark of threats. All must be know and to learning for opportunity kindness and effective. The success of the information technology (IT) can be implemented when there is balance among the infrastructure. The business electronic are growing fast and so there are problem and challenge. One of issue is trust between competition of business. Efforts to reduce the obstacles must be made so as not to effect the new implementation system and use certification authority.Read More