Title: Lessons in Elementary Botany, the part of Systematic Botany based upon material left in manuscript by the late Prof. Henslow
Abstract:had introduced, with a view to show the important " instructional value " of Botany as an " educational weapon," in the opportunity which Botanical Lessons afford the teacher of introducing ta his cla...had introduced, with a view to show the important " instructional value " of Botany as an " educational weapon," in the opportunity which Botanical Lessons afford the teacher of introducing ta his class a large amount of useful information upon topics of the most varied kind.Thus I find a lesson in pneumatics apropos of pop-guns made of the stem of the Elder ; an account of soap-making, and the method of ascertaining specific gravities, in connexion with the Olive order, represented in Britain by the Ash ; how to analyse a Potato, under the Bittersweets ; an account of wonderful bells, under the Bellflowers; of glass-making, under the Saltworts, formerly burnt for the sake of their alkaline salts ; of brewing, under Hops; and the like.I have omitted such matter because it would require more space than could be afforded in a book of small cost, to be used by private learners as well as by teachers; and also because the variety of topics which a teacher may thus introduce, and which his own intelligence may suggest, is infinite.Professor Henslow's plan of employing " schedules," designed to direct the attention of the pupil at once to the most important points of structure, I have adopted in my own class with much advantage.Their use should be commenced as soon as the first six chapters are thoroughly acquired.Read More