Title: Changing Lives: Gustavo Dudamel, El Sistema, and the Transformative Power of Music
Abstract:In this vivid story (Economist), Tricia Tunstall chronicles the origins and growth of Venezuela's acclaimed El Sistema national music education program (Reed Johnson, Los Angeles Times) and illustrate...In this vivid story (Economist), Tricia Tunstall chronicles the origins and growth of Venezuela's acclaimed El Sistema national music education program (Reed Johnson, Los Angeles Times) and illustrates its overarching goal: to rescue children from the depredations of poverty through music. What began in Venezuela has extended to Los Angeles, New York City, and Baltimore, illustrating that El Sistema is not just a program, it's a movement. Combining firsthand interviews with compelling stories, Changing Lives reveals that arts education can indeed effect positive social change in the United States and around the world.Read More
Publication Year: 2012
Publication Date: 2012-01-23
Language: en
Type: book
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Cited By Count: 29
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