Title: Carbon stocks and productivity in forest plantations (Kyoto forests) in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
Abstract:Carbon stocks and productivity in forest plantations (Kyoto forests) in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy).Aboveground biomass, increment and carbon stock in a 36 forest plantations chronosequence of diffe...Carbon stocks and productivity in forest plantations (Kyoto forests) in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy).Aboveground biomass, increment and carbon stock in a 36 forest plantations chronosequence of different ages were quantified.Results have been extrapolated in time using the Richard's model.Maximum carbon stock was measured in 23 years old plantations (37 tC ha -1 ) and annual carbon stock rate occurs at 9 years (3.4 tC ha -1 year -1 ).After this age it decreases to reach 0.40 tC ha -1 year -1 at 23 years after plantation.Read More